Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Task 7: Role allocation, Auteur

I have decided to do this task alone as an Auteur. This means that all my work is my idea and i create it myself with obviously the help of actors. In last years task i worked in a group of 3 and i found that i wasn't getting what i wanted to do in the film ac cross very well and the communication was not very good, which was frustrating. As an Auteur this factor is eliminated and i have complete control over my production piece.

The Auteur theory ('Auteur' is French for 'Author') refers to the director's direct input into the film he/she is making. Been around since the 1950s it suggested that the director of a film is the author because it's their personal vision on a movie is strongly felt more than anything else. François Truffaut, an influential filmmaker, once said "film is a great medium for expressing the personal ideas of the director" and also said "There are no good and bad movies, only good and bad directors". These all support the theory that the Auteur/Author of films is the director because it's them who have the major creative force in a motion picture and it's them who bring the film alive and who create the film and make it what it is.

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